Sunday, August 19, 2007

"N" is for Natty

Natalia took her first steps last week. She took her time, now 16 months old. But, she did it on her time. That seems to be her motto, "whatever Natty wants, Natty gets". Typical baby of the family! Spoiled rotten!
Who won, Natalia or dinner? Audrey said, "no need for a costume this year, Natalia is ready for Halloween" Straight to the bath for you little girl!


Kelly Jo said...

Holy Cow, how does one get so dirty eating. . .HA!! I can't believe how big she's getting, so cute!

chelsea said...

She is so big and cute, I can't believe it. She definitely won, looks like she mastered that dinner thing!

Nancy Clark said...

Look at those eyes!!!