Sunday, October 18, 2009

School Pictures

This year I decided to forgo school pictures and put my new camera to work, taking my own pictures of the kids as they start a new school year. They were great guinea pigs! I have yet to enlarge and print them out for my frames. So, we'll see if they turnout ok. Thanks kiddos for being patient with your amatuer mommy photographer.


Nancy Sabina said...

You did great! Take it from somebody who just paid up the whazoo for family pictures! What beautiful children you have. Audrey is certainly turning into a beautiful young woman (not that she wasn't beautiful before... she's starting to look less like a kid and more like a grown up).

4 flood gates said...

WoW! I'm so impressed! I did a practice session with Lij the night before picture day with a sheet over the door in our bedroom. Let's just say....NOT gonna use those! I need to follow your example, head outside when the lights right & get some scenery in there. Good job. They are & daughters!

The Schmitt Family said...

I love them...especially the black and whites! Those girls just keep getting prettier and prettier... better make sure Tim's gun works