Wednesday, January 6, 2010


These are the remnants of my Christmas baking for teachers, friends and neighbors.  Yes...the DOG!  She has been having sneaky issues lately...likes to wait until the kitchen is empty and goes sniffing for goodies left on the counter.  Since this day she's consumed a dozen Krispy Kremes (in a closed box), a loaf of fresh bread, and probably other things I don't even know about! I thought I was doing good and making sure anything on the counter was pushed way back or put away, however this morning she jumped up on the kitchen table and knocked over our fruit basket and took an orange back to her bed.  Do dogs really like fruit?  She's getting desperate!  If you follow me on facebook, you'll see there was quite a debate on whether I beat my dog or not.  Hmm...after this, what do you think? 

Don't let her sweet face fool you!  Her face is sweet and so is her tooth!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

It was a debate? I thought it was a game!