Friday, June 5, 2009

Bushed Bambi

Look...Look closer...We found this fawn in the middle of our road, mom nowhere in sight. We tried to get it to move, but it was too tired. Tim figured it was trying to keep up with mom getting up a hill and just exhausted itself. After flinching at first, eventually Tim was able to pick it up and put it down in the grass. We saw mom waiting in the woods and after 30 min. or more, she finally went back over to her baby. We checked 15 min. later and they were gone. We saw the mom earlier in the week looking pregant, so we think the fawn was just a day or 2 old. So sweet!

1 comment:

Tamaratravel said...

wow to be that close to a deer..I'm always trying to find them around here and they always run is beautiful...