Sunday, January 17, 2010

Visions of sugar plums came true!

Christmas morning, 2009.  Seems my blog entries are fewer and farther in between...feast or famine at times.  Ok, I'm only a month late at getting Christmas documented, but at least it's not Valentines Day yet!  Christmas morning seemed a little quiet this year.  But, we certainly enjoyed our "us" time.  Here come the lazies who slept in until 7:30am.  Let the games begin!  Santa brought a kitchen and new leotard for Natty!

New basketball duds for Celeste!
I-pod for the Tween!

New tires for Becky (and her car).  I know, BORING gift!  She did get a few little things to open too :-)

"Every 1st grader has a DS, Mom."  I guess Santa wanted to make sure Sophia wasn't left out.
Presents for Dad...the home/school-made kind are the best!!
Daddy's dresses!  The tradition continues...

What a morning...time for a nap!  Merry Christmas!


4 flood gates said...

You are not behind! I still haven't finished the Christmas cards being sent out! You're girls are so beautiful! I'd love to hear more about the daddy's dresses tradition. I miss talking with you at church now that you're busy with the Sunbeams!

Nancy Sabina said...

Everything you guys do just looks like such fun. The dresses are beautiful. Naomi has the same one that Sophia is wearing.