Friday, January 28, 2011

Once upon a time, the sun was out!

"Once upon a time, the sun was out."  That is how I'm feeling these days...the gray days of Seattle are starting to get to me.   I grew up here in the NW. I've even convinced Tim that I'm used it and it doesn't bother me, but to be honest...looking at pictures from a few months past have made me long for a little vitamin D.  One day, when the sun was out, Natty had some friends (Luca and Brando) and her cousins (Sacia and Anna) over to play.  They had so much fun running and riding back and forth in the driveway.   It never got old and THE SUN WAS OUT!  And so I we wait for more days like this...

1 comment:

Jaime said...

this was only 6 months ago and they all look so young to me! so thankful to see the sun out today...we'll have to plan a park date during the next stretch of sun. thanks for posting these, jolie!! : )