Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"O" Man

I haven't done a post about Oliver lately, so I thought it was about time. He doesn't like his picture taken these days (typical teenager), so I thought I'd photograph some of his latest artwork to share.

Oliver has been trying to get his band going. So far it's just him and his guitar, but he's enjoying learning to play. Check out his band page and music... (My favorite is the last song on the player)


Nancy Sabina said...

Wow! I am amazed. Oliver is a really talented artist! Tell him Aunt Nancy and Uncle Richard think he rocks!

iDave said...

O, you still got it... what amazing talent - drawing & music. You sure have a creative future ahead of you. You and Alex should consider going in to business together.

Tonya said...

Those pictures are amazing! I love the fish one, though I hope to never see one like that:0) Matt and I are going scuba diving this week and it makes me wonder what creatures of the sea we will happen upon. You have one talented chico!

brenda said...

WOW! He's great! I love them all.

When is the big move?

Jolie said...

Brenda, we are moving the end of June. Seems like yesterday I just moved from Beaverton! I'm hoping we can settle in for a while in Seattle.